Women of Courage Podcast: Living the Gospel with Power

This podcast is for Women who believe that God is doing something new. The apostle Paul says that we are transformed by renewing our minds to do what pleases the LORD, which is His will. When our minds are renewed (neuroscientists call this neuroplasticity), we are transformed. We will do small and great things for God because we are Women who possess the courage of God.) This podcast will contain short, 1-6 minute messages designed to replace our old negative ways of thinking with the truth found in God’s word. To benefit from these short yet powerful messages, please listen to one or two in the morning and before going to bed. They are most helpful if you listen to them when you’re feeling anxious, stressed, or sad and need to replace your worried thoughts with God’s word. There are lots to choose from, so find one that fixes what you’re experiencing, and the word of God will renew you. Thank you for joining me.

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Sunday Sep 15, 2024

Hey friends, I recorded this series, "When We Meet Jesus at the Well," a few years ago; however, with so much going on in the world and in our lives, it really seemed important to report.
Have you ever felt like you're running on empty? Join me as we explore the story of the Samaritan woman at the well and discover the life-changing power of living water. We'll also explore how Jesus meets us in our most vulnerable moments and offers us exactly what we need to be nourished and satisfied.
Through my experiences of starting a writing ministry and overcoming personal challenges, I'll share how connecting with Jesus at the well transformed my life. It's all about giving Him our fears, disappointments, and everything that holds us back and, in return, receiving His peace, courage, and joy.
If you're feeling dry and need refreshment, this episode is for you. Let's embrace the living water together and step into the abundant life promised to us with renewed strength and hope.
Don't miss out on this heartfelt conversation—let's meet at the well and find the living water that Jesus offers.

Tuesday Sep 03, 2024

Save our Children's Scriptures episode is where we explore and remember the promises of God and our incredible journey of faith and grace. As you listen to this podcast, we will reflect on the timeless words of John 14:6, Ephesians 2:4-10, Ezekiel 11:19-20, and Jeremiah 31:3, and discover God's boundless love and mercy for our Children.
The scriptures you will listen to today will share how Jesus, the Lamb of God, gave His life so that we could truly know Him and experience His everlasting love. Let's embrace His grace, which is more than enough for any challenges we face today, and find comfort in the fact that we are His workmanship, created for good works.
Join us as we pray for our children, asking God to fill their hearts with His spirit, remove any resistance to His saving grace, and guide them to walk in His commandments. It's a beautiful reminder of how much we are loved and cherished by our Heavenly Father. 💖

Monday Sep 02, 2024

Ever wonder about the true power of faith? Today's scriptures are awe-inspiring, revealing moments when belief brought about miracles. You will hear stories of healing, unwavering trust, and the incredible outcomes of having faith.
From the centurion's unwavering confidence to the blind man's restored sight, these scriptures remind us that believing in the impossible can make it a reality. Tune in and get ready to be inspired by the transformative power of God's word.

Sunday Sep 01, 2024

In Awe of His Presence: A Journey Through the Word of God
Hey there, friend! 🌟 Join me in a beautiful exploration of God's presence and His incredible authority as Savior, Prophet, Priest, and King. From the creation of the heavens and the earth in Genesis to the poetic praises in Psalms, this episode is a heartfelt reminder of His constant companionship and magnificent works.
We'll journey through the wonders of His creation, feel the awe of His mighty words, and find comfort in His omnipresence. Whether you're familiar with these passages or discovering them anew, let's stand in awe together and celebrate the marvelous ways we are fearfully and wonderfully made.

Becoming One

Sunday Jun 02, 2024

Sunday Jun 02, 2024

Today's episode is titled, 'Becoming One.' Our need for significance ends with Christ. He settled that on the cross. Abiding in Him is to become one with Him. This happens when we let nothing separate us from Him. Nothing. Become One with Christ today. 

The Power in Asking

Sunday May 26, 2024

Sunday May 26, 2024

Today's episode is titled The Power in Asking. Is there something you have been afraid to ask the Lord, afraid to know? Lean into the Lord until there is nothing to fear. The Lord's grace is enough for the question that needs to be asked and the answer to come. 

Sacrifice of Thanksgiving

Saturday May 11, 2024

Saturday May 11, 2024

Today's episode is titled The Sacrifice of Thanksgiving. We owe so much to the Lord. Where do we begin? We can start by saying thank you—two small words but yet powerful. 
When was the last time you offered God your sacrifice of thanksgiving? It will cost you when you do, but He is so worth it. 

Living Water

Sunday May 05, 2024

Sunday May 05, 2024

Today's episode is titled "Living Water." We all need water and can't live without it—a wise God designed that. Our bodies need water to nourish our cells and carry nutrients to different parts of our bodies. Our souls need the living water that Christ can give, and like the Woman in our story today, He alone can quench our thirst for life. Thank you for joining me in drinking deeply from the Well of Christ's word that never runs dry.Hope

The Covenant

Sunday Apr 28, 2024

Sunday Apr 28, 2024

Today's episode is titled "The Covenant." God's law, written with His finger, will never change. It was written with love. How does the law change us? It has the power to create in us a new heart and right spirit until we have the character of God. We are to renew our minds because this pleases God. How is this accomplished? By meditating on the law of God, like King David. 'O how love I thy law! It is my meditation all the day,'  Psalm 119:97.  We can not keep the commandments in our strength or wisdom; this is supplied by the Holy Spirit. Thank you for joining me today; I hope you were blessed. If so, please send this and other episodes to someone you know. Hope

He Gives Me Peace

Sunday Apr 21, 2024

Sunday Apr 21, 2024

Today's episode is titled "He Gives Me Peace."  So, who doesn't want peace? I know I do; however, sometimes I tell myself it's nowhere to be found. What awful things to say and believe when, at all times, there is Christ.  What did He promise in Isaiah 26:3?  That He would keep (guard, protect) my heart and, as a result, I would have peace, a perfect peace because it comes from Him. My part is to ask the Holy Spirit to give me His grace (power) to focus my mind on Christ, so regardless of my circumstances,  I trust in You. Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in Thee. Isaiah 26:3 Thank you for listening to another episode of Women of Courage. If you have been blessed, please share this and other episodes with someone today. Hope

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